
Showing posts from January 28, 2024

Dear Romeo

dear romeo,  im sorry i say no, im sorry i always throw away your efforts, im sorry i never respond to your letters, im sorry i can't give you what you need, sometimes love is not in our deed, sometimes we are better as friends, or maybe just someone's acquaintance dear romeo, ik im selfish, ik i always think of myself, ik i never pay you attention,  it always hurts my heart but, idk if i can do this,  dear romeo, i care for my passion, i care for my family, i care for my career, i don't know who is a scorpion with a hidden stinger,  and to find out, im not eager dear romeo, all i want is some freedom, all i want is to be more than just a pretty brunette, all i want is pay off my dad's debt,  all i want is no regret, so lets just pretend to relent and attend this convent where we first met.  dear romeo maybe we'll cross paths one day, on fine evening in may, maybe we could go out to for a dinner or a movie of that actor dunaway faye,  we could even exchange numbers